Lisa Mead 17th September 2007

Grampy was the best grandfather you could ever wish for. He loved every single one of us. he made everyone welcome. it didnt matter who u were or what u did he was always there. One of the things i would always remember about Grampy is the stories he would tell about his life and his family. he would talk for hours and i would listen as he would make everything sound so fun and interesting. I often wondered if half the stories he told were true as it didnt seam possible that one person could have done and gone through as much in one lifetime as he did. Grampy hasnt really gone theres a part of him in each and everyone of us, some have his stubbornness, some have his sarcastic humour, everyone has his stories and we all have his love. Me, i picked up his gambling habit. Grampy's up there now... a bottle of Newcie Brown in one hand looking out for all of us and i know u can hear me when i say, I love u I Miss U and im so glad to call u my Grampy.